Golden Angel's Tears Groundcover
Soleirolia Soleirolii 'Aurea', commonly known as Golden Angel's Tears, enchants with its vibrant golden-green foliage that forms a lush, dense carpet. This versatile plant is perfect for terrariums, paludariums, or as a ground cover in shaded garden spots, adding a bright, verdant touch to any environment.
Golden Angel's Tears, scientifically named Soleirolia Soleirolii 'Aurea', is a delightful groundcover plant characterized by its tiny, round leaves that create a dense, golden-green mat. This plant thrives in moist, shaded environments, making it an excellent choice for terrariums, paludariums, and shaded garden areas. Its soft, cushiony foliage provides a vibrant, natural feel, ideal for creating lush, miniature landscapes.
Originating from the Mediterranean, Golden Angel's Tears enjoys high humidity and consistent moisture, replicating the damp conditions of its native habitat. This low-growing plant spreads quickly, forming a thick carpet that can cover soil surfaces, rocks, or logs, enhancing the visual appeal and ecological diversity of your plant collection.